Towards the end of the 2024 NWSL season it became clear that teams were
clustered into different groups. This visualization used a utility I
wrote that calculated the highest and lowest a team could finish. This
showed that 1st and 5th were clinched so there were 3 teams fighting for
2nd place and then another set of teams fighting for the last few
playoff spots.
Temperature at Kickoff
In recent seasons, there have been many games scheduled during very hot
periods of the day or year. Some cities like Houston or Orlando are hot
year round while others like Seattle tend to be much cooler at kickoff.
Temperature is calculated as the five-year average temperature at
kickoff for each match.
Remaining Difficulty
With just a few weeks left in the season, the difficulty of remaining
games will have a big impact on which teams make the playoffs. This
highlights which teams are mostly playing higher or lower ranked teams.
Variations were made to weight teams by points rather than rank.
NWSL Stadiums
Over the years, there have been games at over 30 stadiums. Some games were
one-offs while one stadium (Providence Park) has hosted games for the
entire history of the league. This shows some interesting statistics like
the elevation of the stadium (Utah having the highest), stadium capacity,
and average goals.
Draft Pick Experience
Summary of how many draft picks from 2024 were signed after the first ten
games of the season and how many minutes those players have gotten. Most
of the first round draft picks have gotten good minutes and all but five
of the draft picks from the first three rounds have been signed. There
have also been some standouts who were drafted late.
Geographic Distribution of Teams
As the NWSL has continued to grow, more fans are close to a team. I wanted
to visualize how teams are spread across the country and which areas are
furthest from a team. While this doesn't take into account population
density, it is interesting to see how Utah filled in a big gap in the
center of the US.
Evolution of a League
The NWSL has been expanding much more quickly and will return to two
markets that it had previously left. This visualization highlights how
the league has grown over time and how each of the teams have performed.
Shield, championship, and cup wins are highlighted for the winning teams.
NWSL Age Demographics
As more players bypass college to enter the NWSL, the demographics of
teams will start to skew younger. Interesting patterns can also be seen
when comparing the demographics of teams over time to understand how the
balance of youth and veterans impacts team performance.
NWSL Season Quilt
For my first attempt at a data visualization quilt I embedded details
about all 2023 NWSL games (regular season, Challenge Cup, and playoffs)
into a quilt design. Each team is represented by a color and the relative
sizes of the colors in each block represent which team won the game. The
gray squares encode what type of game it was (regular season, playoffs,
etc). Click through on the Twitter link to see the final quilt.
NWSL Point Spirals
I wanted to visualize how tight the NWSL table was across different
seasons. In 2023, there was very little separating the top and bottom
teams which was very different from past seasons that had more separation
between the top and bottom teams. The spirals show the cumulative point
totals for each team across all the past seasons.
Women's World Cup Minutes
I explored how the USWNT load balanced minutes between players in
past tournaments. I found that teams often don't rotate players much
in the group stage and when they do it is often forced by card
accumulation or in a situation where the team is not at risk of
Women's World Cup Projections
See different possible outcomes for who will make the knockout stage
from each group based on how the final matchday shakes out. In Group
D there were some particularly fun outcomes with possible 3-way ties
that would go down to fair play points. To simplify this chart, it
only looks at results where a single team scores but it covers the
most common outcomes.
Women's World Cup History
See how all the 44 teams who have competed at the Women's World Cup
have finished. With an expanded field of 32 teams, the 2023 tournament
features 8 debutants. There have been 7 teams who have qualified for
every year of the tournament so far. And the United States has been
the most successful with 4 victories.
NWSL at the 2023 World Cup
Half of the teams in their years Women's World Cup feature an NWSL
player. The United States has teh most representation by far, but both
Brazil and Canada have very good representation in the NWSL. The OL
Reign and Washington Spirit both have the most players featured in the
World Cup.
USWNT Pairwise Minutes
See how many minutes each pair of players on the USWNT roster have
played together since the last Olympics in 2021. Darker lines indicate
more shared minutes. You can see which players and combinations of
players have a lot of experience together at the national team level.
I also posted followups that highlighted only the lines from a single
player to get a better view of who they have played with.
200 NWSL Matches
To commemorate Lauren Barnes being the first player to hit 200 regular
season appearances I created a scrollable visualization to highlight
her accomplishments. She has played over 17,000 minutes, helped earn
three NWSL Shields, and she has been a longtime captain of the team.
This visualization shows all the Reign games since 2013 and highlights
different statistics as you scroll. Barnes has scored 2 goals and
contributed to 58 shutouts.
Points Season Comparison
This series of plots compares pairs of statistics for each team between
two seasons. In this example, the points earned through the first ten
matches are compared. This highlights how much the Washington Spirit have
improved compared to last season and how fall the Chicago Red Stars have
1,000 NWSL Matches
The Racing Louisville v OL Reign game on April 29, 2023 marked the 1,000th
regular season NWSL game. This was my first attempt at generative art,
using data from all 1,000 matches. Teams are represented by ovals that are
oriented and sized to represent goals scored and season performance. I
also created zoomed in views of individual matches to highlight
high-scoring results and the first ever NWSL match.
NWSL 2023 Standings
Refreshed my popular 2022 NWSL Standings bump chart to add more data about
wins/losses and goals for/against. The left side shows how the standings
have changed each week, while the right side shows the current season
stats. The bump chart now has thinner lines between weeks so it is
easier to see movement with overlapping lines. Used cubic splines for
better looking curves between weeks.
Goal Build-up
I wanted to highlight fun build-up plays that lead to goals. This example
shows the 5th goal from the Reign's 5-2 win over Chicago. The play began
with Tullis-Joyce handling a tricky back pass. Huerta did a give-and-go
with Sonnett before dribbling down field and passing to Balcer. Balcer
sent in a cross to Fishlock who scored her second goal of the match.
Substitution Patterns
I looked back at how teams differed in their substitution patterns in 2022. Some
teams, like San Diego, started subbing early while other teams, like North Carolina, waited
the longest before subbing. Angel City rarely used their fifth
substitute while Houston almost always did.
Women's March Madness
Highlighted how far each seed has progressed for Women's March
Madness tournaments going back to 1984. This interactive visual allows
you to highlight a specific seed or team to see how performance has
changed over time. 2023 was the first year since 2011 to not feature a
#1 seed in the Championship. Built using d3.
Portland: Road to 100 Wins
The Portland Thorns became the first NWSL team to win 100 regular season
matches. This visualization renders the results of all of Portland's
regular season matches with Championship and shield winning seasons
highlighted. The 2014 season saw many high scoring wins and losses while
recent years have featured more consistent wins.
2023 NWSL Offseason Movement
This visualization summarizes offseason player movement in the NWSL
between the 2022 and 2023 seasons. Arrows denote movement between teams
and into and out of the league. OL Reign retained the most players from
2022 while five teams retained only 17 players. Washington Spirit relied
heavily on bringing in external players while teams like Gotham and
Houston relied on transfers from other teams.
Enchantments Lottery
After many years of unsuccessful attempts to secure a backpacking permit
for the Enchantments I wanted to explore the data from past lotteries to
understand how to improve my odds. Sunday is the day with the best odds
and the shoulder months also see a reduced number of applications.
2023 Gaps Between Games
The 2022 Washington Spirit had a notoriously difficult start to the
season with little rest between games. This inspired me to start breaking
down the schedule to see which teams have more balanced schedules. In
2023, Orlando and Angel City have 3 times as many pairs of
games with 3-4 days rest compared to the Portland Thorns.
Season Heatmap
This heatmap provides a high level understanding of the distribution of
games. It highlights that there will only be Challenge Cup games during
the World Cup and after the World Cup there won't be any midweek games.
NWSL Draftee Minutes
This breaks down how many minutes draft picks from different college
conferences have played in 2022. Pac-12 players earned the most minutes,
followed by the ACC. Racing Louisville relied most heavily on draft picks,
while teams like Gotham barely played any draft picks.
Score Waterfall
This set of visualizations highlight how game scores for a team progressed
throughout each game during a season. All matches start at 0-0 and then
curve upwards as either team scores. OL Reign was almost never behind by
two goals during the season and had lots of low scoring matches. The color
indicates when goals were scored, so the game that ended 4-1 had several
late goals.
Goal-Assist Combos
I wanted to understand which partnerships in the NWSL led to the most
goals. During the 2016-2022 window, Sam Kerr and Yuki Nagasato combined
for the most goals, with Nagasato providing most of the assists. Notably,
Trinity Rodman and Ashley Sanchez made this list despite joining the
league much more recently than others on the list.
2023 World Cup Schedule Explorer
Built this website for exploring the teams and schedule
for the 2023 Women's World Cup. This site features an
interactive schedule that allows projecting the schedule based
on team finish, a tool to plan an itinerary based on team
preferences, and a map to visualize a team's path as they
progress through the tournament.
Moving Window Points
The goal of these charts is to highlight streaks of teams performing well
or poorly. The height of the line represents the average points gained
from the previous 5 matches. OL Reign, North Carolina, and Kansas City all
had very strong finishes to the season, while Gotham struggled towards
the end.
Golden Boot Race
2022 had a very tight race for the Golden Boot, but Alex Morgan led the
race for most of the season. This highlights how goals were distributed
over the course of 2022.
NWSL 2022 Standings
A bump chart was the perfect way to highlight the NWSL race for the
shield. Kansas City's mid-season jump from 12th to 1st was impressive.
And the last minute shuffling of the top 4 teams made for an exciting
final few weeks..
Decision Day Simulation
There has been much discussion around whether to schedule the final games
of the season at the same time. This shows how the standings would have
changed through the course of the games if they had been played
Pass Analyzer
This web app visualizes information about passes during the 2020 Men's
Euros. Trained a pass completion likelihood model in Python and included
that data alongside other key details for each pass. Visualized all
passes within discrete time periods, including player locations, using d3.